Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nazo No Kanojo 12

as always, this contains spoilers so beware :)

this weeks episode is the continuation of the school festival arc from episode 11. its kind of funny how oka calls tsubaki a pervert, but isnt she the one all up on urabes face? not to mention also taking nude pics of urabe O_o  and she wants to keep the nude pic! oka.... your such a perv!

this is what happens when you mess with urabes privacy

a couple minutes later, oka looks under urabes panties....again oka, youre the REAL pervert here.... and just seeing urabes embarrassed face made it so hilarious! now to proceed with the episode. for some reason tsubaki keeps pictuing urabe nude. not sure if its because of the drool from urabe or something, but this just added to the hilariousness

2nd panty scissors attack!

surprisingly urabes panty scissors attack managed to make a cut on tsubakis head, thus he spent another day at her house. later on urabe tried to use the panty scissors attack on her flower vase but also cut the curtains. hmm her aim seems to be getting worse :O

you would think tsubaki should know this by now

apparently he learned his lesson. so when he was gonna *land* on top of urabe, he changed his direction somehow and landed on the hard part of the bed.

"id rather you hug me, than end up getting hurt"

wtf did urabe just say that!? wow so emotionally out of character and this isnt the real urabe! its ince to see tsubakis wide eyed reaction though. we can also come to the conclusion that tsubaki went home happy. and for the good part, urabe admitted that she was a pervert, shocking progression imo.

is all that we see or seem here but a dream within a dream

i think one of the plot driven craziness this anime attracts me to is the dream sequences. its great to see how the manga got beautifully adapted and just watching these dream sequences makes you feel like your a part of this. although its hard to tell what the heck is going on in the dreams. like for instance when urabe is smashing out white gooey liquid figures of herself?

your mimicking urabes lifestyle and you still dare call tsubaki a perv!?!?

kind of funny watching her try to copy urabes panty scissors attack. this was also a very nice addition, something new to the anime not featured in the manga. although you gotta admit that she does put alot of effort into looking this graceful when trying to cut a piece of paper at rapid speeds.

this is how this episode ends
this is how this story ends
this is how their love wraps up
not with a bang, but with a whimper

this is how i thought id wrap up the episode for this week. im kind of glad theres gonna be another episode next week, but at the same time im kinf of worried about how its going to end. for gods sake IT BETTER NOT END THE WAY TASOGARE OTOME AMNESIA ENDED
that was by far one of the worst endings ever. anyways to get back on topic, this episode ended beautifully and its kind of nice to see that their relationship is progressing, even if just by a little.

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